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以前有收到邮件,一般都是说有一笔巨额遗产免费赠送给你,让你与他取得联系,这种骗术已经有点老掉牙了。类似案例见《男子收到国际诈骗信 邀其接受400万美元遗产



  • 11月4日收到来自lindyKumikombeh@yahoo.com的邮件(主题为:HELLO)说想与我交个朋友,我看邮件写得像模像样,也不像robot发送的,就顺手回了一个。
  • 11月23日无意间发现她在11月6日已经回复了我的邮件,洋洋洒洒一大片文字,主题为:about me,内容就是介绍她现在的情况,附带3张照片。具体内容见附1。根据她的邮件我也回了个mail,扯淡一番。
  • 11月25日在想那人是不是又那么积极地回邮件了,就去看了下邮箱,果不其然,她已经在11月24日就回复了邮件,这次更加夸张,直接让我在一个约定的时间里给她打电话(+221777512477),还说会把一笔多达750万美元的25%赠送给我。邮件主题:please help me。具体内容见附2。我心里想,750W*.25*6.4=1200W人民币,还有比中500W的概率还高的事情?顺手Google了一下这个号码,显然已经被登记在骗子列表中了,此刻我已经确信这是骗子无疑了,然后我便回了一个邮件给她:“我通过google搜索+221777512477是一个骗子电话,你做何解释?”你懂得,估计不会有下文了,难道她还会积极地回复我说这不是骗局?哈哈!


  • 骗子已经从原来直接说给你遗产转变成先以交朋友的想法跟你套近乎,继而告诉你她的近况然后直接一刀切说让你帮助她,她会把巨额财富给你。
  • 这类骗子一般邮件里常用的词语就是death certificate(死亡证明书)、+221777512477 (Senegal, probably a prepaid mobile phone)


  • 去google搜索关键词,比如发送者邮箱(一般来说对方会骗一次换一次)、对方提供的号码、对方所说的地方。
  • 去http://www.scamomatic.com/把邮件粘贴进去,检查是不是诈骗邮件,另外你所提交的信息还能够帮助到更多的人。


This email looks like an orphan scam.

The following phrases should put you on alert:

"i will like you to ":

a common phrase found in 419 scams

"death certificate":

this phrase is often used in inheritance scams such as next of kin or orphan scams.

This email lists mobile phone numbers. Use of such numbers is typical for scams because they allow criminals to conceal their true location. They can receive calls in an Internet cafe from where they send you emails, while pretending to be in some office.

+221777512477 (Senegal, probably a prepaid mobile phone)

Thank you for using Scam-O-Matic. If you found the results from this check useful then please mention www.scamomatic.com to your friends, family and co-workers, so they can also use it to check out and report suspicious emails that may have been sent to them by criminals.

Once you have received any scam emails, it means the scammers know your email address. You will probably receive further scam emails. Therefore we recommend that you bookmark www.scamomatic.com (Ctrl+D) in your web browser for when you may need it again.

DISCLAIMER: While we try to give appropriate advice in the greatest number of cases, we must decline responsibilty for any mistakes that may occur. We encourage you to do your own research on the internet (for example, search on Google) and using other information sources. Get informed, talk to people you trust (your family, friends, your bank, local police) and then act accordingly.










感谢您使用诈骗- O - MATIC。如果您发现从这个检查非常有用的结果,然后请注明www.scamomatic.com给你的朋友,家人和同事,让他们也可以使用它来检查和报告可疑的电子邮件可能已被犯罪分子发送给他们。

一旦你收到任何诈骗邮件,这意味着诈骗者知道您的电子邮件地址。你可能会得到进一步的诈骗电子邮件。因此,我们建议您在您的网页浏览器的书签时,您可能需要再次www.scamomatic.com(按Ctrl + D)。




How are you today?,i hope fine. Mine is not very good due to my suffering condition here in Dakar Senegal. I'm Miss lindy Kumikombeh,am from a famiy of three and am the eldest,I am 24years old, single girl and never married, 5 feet tall, 60 kg weight, black hair and brown eyes, I am from libya but presently i am residing in Church  Camp here in Senegal, as a result of civil war that was fought in my country which made me to lost my both parents during this mortal Political War that kills thousands of innocent souls in Libya. my family was among the first target of the rebels, because my late father Dr Robert Kumikombeh has a successful company, he was the Chairman and the managing director Kumikombeh Agricultural Industrial Company Ltd in tripole the capital city of my country,,and also a politician supporting the current government,so when the mortal political crisis were about to start due to my father was a politician who was supporting the current government during that time in my country all members of my family was murdered in cold blood and our family home was set ablaze. I was lucky to escaped death.

Is just me and my junior brother that is alive now and we managed to make our way to Senegal where we are staying now and never pray or think about our legs to step in that bloody country again.

I would like to know more about you, tell me your hobbies and what are you doing presently? I will tell you more about me in my next email. i attach my picture for you,and i will be looking forward to hear from you soon.send to me yours picture as well




Hello my dear

How are you today? i hope fine thanks for your mail and i am glad to know you. Dear like you know, i am living in the Church camp here in Dakar-Senegal. In this camp, it's just like one staying in a lonely zone like prison and i hope by God's grace, I will come out here soon since i met some one like you because i don't have any relatives now whom i can go to . so i am living in the refugee camp female's hostel as the camp has two hostels one for boys the other for women. Please try to call me by 2.pm GMT time in the afternoon tomorrow.The Church camp telephone number is: (+221777512477) when you call tell Rev Patric Kotor  that you want to speak with Mis lindy so that he will send for me in the hostel. Please call me tomorrow i will love to hear your voice.

As a refugee here, I don't have any right or privileged to have an account here because it is against the law of this country and also i don't like this country for anything that's why i contact you. I will like to continue with my studies in Medical department in a good university in your country because i only attended my first year in University of Libya before the tragic incident that led to the death of my parents took place. Please listen to this, I have my late father's statement of account and death certificate here with me which i will send to you later, because when my father was alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading bank in Dakar Senegal, which he used my name as the next of kin and the amount is 7.5Million USD seven Million five Hundred Thousand Dollars). So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send me some money for me to get my travelling documents and air ticket to come over and meet you in your country after the transfer of the money to your account. I keep this secret to people in the camp here and no one knows about it, except you now. So in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone, I will like you to send me your below information for me to know you more and know whom the bank is going to transfer my inheritance to his account.

Below here is what i need from you so that I will give you the bank contact information:

(1) Your Full name

(2) Phone Numbers

(3) Occupation

(4) House or office address.

I will give you 25% percent of my total inheritance for assisting me in this transfer and you will also help me in the area of investing the remaining fund in any good business you know that will be giving us profit,i will like to continue with my studies in my carrier in health sector as i was in the university of Libya as a medical student before the war incident that made me to be in this situation

of life after the death of my beloved parents.

I will love to meet you very soon and thanks for your regards,I will like you to call me,call around 2.00pm GMT time in the afternoon. I want to hear your voice. Have a nice day and think about me. Awaiting to hear from you soonest.



Tags: scam

解决Can't connect to local MySQL server th...

之前mysql一直正常运行,重启之后打开网页就报错:Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock。

检查了一下这个位置发现并没有mysql.sock,而my.cnf中配置mysql.sock路径为/tmp/mysql.sock,netstat -nltp检查mysql却是正常运行的,说明mysql启动没有问题,奇怪了!


mkdir /var/lib/mysql/

ln -s /tmp/mysql.sock /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock


Tags: mysql




netstat -atnp

参数p可以看到PID与Program name,只要是本机开启的服务端口,都是会有PID与Program name。检查之后发现是wget程序在占用,忽然想到是自己部署的一个定时check的脚本,用来检查网站是否正常。

解决方法就简单了,只要把bash程序的计划任务停止了即可。如果是其他不正常程序,只需要用kill命令把该PID杀死,如果是很多个进程,比如都是wget程序,那么只需要执行pkill -9 wget

Tags: syn_sent, bash


MySQL Query Error
Mysql error description: Duplicate entry '0' for key 'uid'
Mysql error number: 1062
Date: 2024-06-04 @ 02:56
Script: http://blog.is36.com/index.php/module/action/param1/tagslist/page/3/user/%E6%AD%A3%E5%86%B0/comments/date/202206/links/archives/484/links/archives/487/date/202212/archives/user/%E6%AD%A3%E5%86%B0/https:/blog.is36.com/index.php/module/action/param1/tagslist/page/3/user/%E6%AD%A3%E5%86%B0/comments/date/202206/links/archives/484/links/archives/487/date/202212/archives/user/%E6%AD%A3%E5%86%B0/page/57/?action=article&setdate=201111